If you are looking for a professional farrier to undertake some horseshoeing or trimming, look no further than Darren Ainsworth owner of The Georgian Forge. Give us a call and let us know how we can help you.
The Georgian Forge offers a variety of traditional hoof care options covering everything from a full set of shoes to a barefoot trim. We follow conventional methods over modern day tools and ensure that your horse is comfortable and is given the care and attention that it needs. You can also call us for services in oban and the surrounding areas.
Our farrier services cover:
Hot shoeing
Handmade shoes
therapeutic shoes
Barefoot Hoof trimming
Hand-made horseshoes
We excel in carrying out metalwork and horseshoeing of the highest standards and can provide you with a comprehensive farrier service. Our shoes are designed to ensure that your horse's hooves are in the best possible condition. We provide a bespoke service at a competitive rate.
For efficient and reliable horseshoe fitting, call the professionals at the Georgian Forge on